Farm Background
Selz-Pralle Dairy consists of three Century Farms homesteaded by Selz emigrants to Clark County, WI. We grow 400 acres of alfalfa and 400 acres of corn silage. Heifers are raised on the farm along with a select number of breeder bulls from our very best cows. We also sell 60-80 cows for dairy annually.
Pam and Scott purchased Selz Farm (Pam’s family farm) from her father John in 1996. Two years later, they expanded from 120 cows to 400 cows in a six row, naturally ventilated, sand bedded freestall barn. They operate a gravity flow manure pit system and milk cows in a double 10 parallel subway parlor. They retrofitted the original tie stall barn into a maternity barn with individual freshening pens and sand bedded freestalls for close-up cows within two weeks of calving. In 2007, Selz-Pralle added a two row fresh cow barn at the parlor featuring 50 inch wide stalls.
100% of the herd is registered. We have two prefixes. The Joliam prefix identifies our foundation herd that has earned numerous Progressive Breeder and Genetic Merit awards through Holstein USA. When we expanded in 1998, the resulting purchased animals have the Selz-Pralle prefix. All animals are housed together and receive the same management.
Progressive Dairying
At Selz-Pralle Dairy, we believe in optimizing science and technology so we can provide outstanding cow care, produce high quality milk, and carefully maintain land and water resources. Utilizing SCR activity and rumination monitors, teat scrubbers, embryo transplants, data analysis, and modern cow care techniques allows us to be intuitive cow managers.
We are a farm that loves what we do and loves our registered Holsteins! We have a terrific staff committed to our cows and our land. We all take great pride in our cows, their care, the farmstead, and our land and water quality management.
We love talking cows with dairymen, international guests and the public. Each conversation, whether it's about farming strategies, animal care or simply telling consumers about dairy life, is very important to us.